How an Old Management Technique is Perfect for the New Normal

Jack Skeels
5 min readNov 9, 2021


Leaders, executives, and managers can face the new normal with confidence knowing that there’s a new way for teams to work more productively. It’s called “pods” and it has been proven to deliver improvements of 30% or more in factors like productivity, quality, and employee satisfaction.

Managing Just Got Easier

We humans evolved an efficient way of working together centuries ago — an organizational model that may be our best approach to today’s fragmented and uncertain new normal. It’s called the “pod” model, and it describes a small, established team of people who are adaptive and largely self-managing.

The pod model helped propel us all the way from the Stone Age to modern abundance until it was cast aside a little over 100 years ago to make way for the machine-driven hierarchical mindset of the Industrial Revolution. But recently, thanks to the writings of systems scientists like Peter Senge, a new wave of collaboration and productivity has started to rediscover the ancient successes of pods, freeing up managers to achieve more with their teams by actually doing less.

What Was Wrong With the Old Model?

Today’s predominant model for managing comes from machine-based organizations (factories) that…

